Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Spring is in the air in Texas"

Can you see the bees in these photos? The color are what I took, but then I was playing with them a little bit, and changed them up. So what cha think about them? (Click on a phot and they will get bigger)

Monday, March 15, 2010

"Flowers and Trees"

"Spring Time in Texas"


"Love Is..."
"A little girl and her lolly pop on valentines day that her mommy bought her (thatd be me)"

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a great month March is!

Oh what a great month march can be!
The sun shinning,..
Birds are singing,...
Flowers are in bloom.....
Feeling the warmth on my shoulders,
as the sun shines from the heavens above!
What a blessing, what a joy, what a great month march is!
AMEN! haha

Now the things that I get to do as the sun shines down :)
Mow the yard,
start a garden :)
wash my poor dirty pick up truck, she so misses her shine!!!
I am thinking its time for a bunny or two,
Maybe a chick or a baby duck too :)

So now what do you plan to do??